Since the changes that came with Inferno, to many it became clear that strategies of the past (gaining LP on the amarr side only), would not be sufficient in keeping pilots' wallets sufficiently padded. This was true of the Amarr for a few reasons:
1: The Amarr held less systems when Inferno hit. This gave an incentive for anyone who wanted to gain LP that was more likely to be cashed out at high tiers sooner to join the Matari, further boosting both their numbers, and man hours of plexing.
2: There is a perception that the Amarr are outnumberred. Since inferno (when I joined FW), this has been true. In my previous post I pointed out, that on the battlefield, prior to the Great Exodus, numbers were oftentimes even, however, the realm of pve is not the battlefield. A PVE competition tends to trend to whoever has greater sheer numbers, which over the past 3 months, has been the Minmatar.
3: Boots on the Ground: Most Minmitar base out of the warzone, whereas most Amarr do not (the large exception being BlackWatch Guard, who base out of Sahtogas, which has been successfully defended thus far, for reasons about to be given). There are pros and cons for each strategy, however, two of the pros for basing out of the warzone are a higher desire to defend the "home" system, as well as more troops in the warzone (home system), at any one time.
After the Great Exodus, the Amarr LP seem to really have little going for them. The Minmitar hold more systems, have more numbers, and live in the warzone, all 3 of which lead to better value for Minmitar LP and lower value for Amarr LP. The question then is, how do you adapt? The initial answer is simple: plex for the Minmitar. Yet, won't this lead to an even greater Minmitar advantage in the PVE war? Not necessarily.
12 days prior to the Matari hitting tier 5, I had 2 alts join FW on the Matari side. With the alts, I performed 3 actions, none of which hurt the Amarr in the PVE war.
- Plexing systems that were already vulnerable and would be lost anyways.
- Running FW Missions
- Leeching LP (AKA Ninja Plexing).
Now, I happened to have two alts with some skills (one had 2M SP, the other about 10M) that were not in the war, yet had standings to apply for the Matari Militia, although performing actions # 1 and 3, only require an alt roughly 3 days old, and since they are new, they would meet minimum requirements for the Minnie Militia (ie: a standing of 0).
Over the following 12 days I proceeded to earn roughly 800K LP, which cashed me roughly 3B ISK (I don't think I played any more than normal, and I didn't spend all my playing time on earning LP, so this really shows how broken the system is). Of the 800K, here is the rough break down:
Roughly 200K earned from running plexes
Roughly 200K earned from missioning
Roughly 400K earned from Leeching
Of the three, missioning is relatively the hardest (albeit not hard, just requires either coordination, standings (to do level 4s), oftentimes a stealth bomber, etc.), and requires the most skillpoints, although I believe it pays the most LP/hour. Leeching, despite paying less LP/hour over the long run than either missioning or running plexes, has indeed been the most fun, and is why I earned the most LP doing it.
But, other than the fun involved, why should I leech (ninja plex)? I believe the answer to that question, is so involved, that it deserves its own post, at a future date of course. Stay tuned!
You love holding your readership in suspense!